List of Publications

[HFE+21] Lewis Hammond, James Fox, Tom Everitt, Alessandro Abate, and Michael Wooldridge. Equilibrium refinements for multi-agent influence diagrams: Theory and practice. In AAMAS, 2021.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[ECL+21] Tom Everitt, Ryan Carey, Eric Langlois, Pedro A Ortega, and Shane Legg. Agent incentives: A causal perspective. In AAAI, 2021.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[LE21] Eric Langlois and Tom Everitt. How RL agents behave when their actions are modified. In AAAI, 2021.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[EHKK21] Tom Everitt, Marcus Hutter, Ramana Kumar, and Victoria Krakovna. Reward tampering problems and solutions in reinforcement learning: A causal influence diagram perspective. Synthese, 2021.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[KUN+20] Ramana Kumar, Jonathan Uesato, Richard Ngo, Tom Everitt, Victoria Krakovna, and Shane Legg. REALab: An embedded perspective on tampering, 2020.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[UKK+20] Jonathan Uesato, Ramana Kumar, Victoria Krakovna, Tom Everitt, Richard Ngo, and Shane Legg. Avoiding tampering incentives in deep RL via decoupled approval, 2020.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[CLEL20] Ryan Carey, Eric Langlois, Tom Everitt, and Shane Legg. The incentives that shape behavior, 2020. presented at the SafeAI AAAI workshop.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[EKKL19] Tom Everitt, Ramana Kumar, Victoria Krakovna, and Shane Legg. Modeling AGI safety frameworks with causal influence diagrams. In IJCAI AI Safety Workshop, 2019.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[EOBL19] Tom Everitt, Pedro A Ortega, Elizabeth Barnes, and Shane Legg. Understanding agent incentives using causal influence diagrams. Part I: Single action settings, 2019.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[LKE+18] Jan Leike, David Krueger, Tom Everitt, Miljan Martic, Vishal Maini, and Shane Legg. Scalable agent alignment via reward modeling: a research direction, 2018.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[Eve18] Tom Everitt. Towards Safe Artificial General Intelligence. PhD thesis, Australian National University, May 2018.
bib | http | Abstract ]
[EH18a] Tom Everitt and Marcus Hutter. The alignment problem for Bayesian history-based reinforcement learners. Technical report, 2018. Winner of the AI Alignment Prize.
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[ELH18] Tom Everitt, Gary Lea, and Marcus Hutter. AGI safety literature review. In International Joint Conference on AI (IJCAI), 2018.
bib | arXiv | http | Abstract ]
[EH18b] Tom Everitt and Marcus Hutter. Universal artificial intelligence: Practical agents and fundamental challengs. In Hussein A. Abbass, Jason Scholz, and Darryn J. Reid, editors, Foundations of Trusted Autonomy, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, chapter 2, pages 15--46. Springer, 2018.
bib | DOI | http | Abstract ]
[LMK+17] Jan Leike, Miljan Martic, Victoria Krakovna, Pedro Ortega, Tom Everitt, Andrew Lefrancq, Laurent Orseau, and Shane Legg. AI Safety Gridworlds. ArXiv e-prints, November 2017.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[EKO+17] Tom Everitt, Victoria Krakovna, Laurent Orseau, Marcus Hutter, and Shane Legg. Reinforcement learning with a corrupted reward signal. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2017, Melbourne, Australia, August 19-26, 2017, pages 4705--4713, 2017.
bib | DOI | arXiv | www: | Abstract ]
[MNSEH17] Jarryd Martin, Suraj Narayanan S, Tom Everitt, and Marcus Hutter. Count-based exploration in feature space for reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2017, Melbourne, Australia, August 19-26, 2017, pages 2471--2478, 2017.
bib | DOI | arXiv | www: | Abstract ]
[WBC+17] Tobias Wängberg, Mikael Böörs, Elliot Catt, Tom Everitt, and Marcus Hutter. A game-theoretic analysis of the off-switch game. In Tom Everitt, Ben Goertzel, and Alexey Potapov, editors, Artificial General Intelligence: 10th International Conference, AGI 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, August 15-18, 2017, Proceedings, pages 167--177, Cham, 2017. Springer International Publishing.
bib | DOI | arXiv | http | Abstract ]
[EGP17] Tom Everitt, Ben Goertzel, and Alexey Potapov, editors. Artificial General Intelligence: 10th International Conference, AGI 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, August 15-18, 2017, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017.
bib | DOI | http ]
[EFDH16] Tom Everitt, Daniel Filan, Mayank Daswani, and Marcus Hutter. Self-modification of policy and utility function in rational agents. In Bas Steunebrink, Pei Wang, and Ben Goertzel, editors, Artificial General Intelligence: 9th International Conference, AGI 2016, New York, NY, USA, July 16-19, 2016, Proceedings, pages 1--11, Cham, 2016. Springer International Publishing.
bib | DOI | arXiv | Abstract ]
[EH16] Tom Everitt and Marcus Hutter. Avoiding wireheading with value reinforcement learning. In Bas Steunebrink, Pei Wang, and Ben Goertzel, editors, Artificial General Intelligence: 9th International Conference, AGI 2016, New York, NY, USA, July 16-19, 2016, Proceedings, pages 12--22, Cham, 2016. Springer International Publishing. Source code.
bib | DOI | arXiv | Abstract ]
[MEH16] Jarryd Martin, Tom Everitt, and Marcus Hutter. Death and suicide in universal artificial intelligence. In Bas Steunebrink, Pei Wang, and Ben Goertzel, editors, Artificial General Intelligence: 9th International Conference, AGI 2016, New York, NY, USA, July 16-19, 2016, Proceedings, pages 23--32, Cham, 2016. Springer International Publishing.
bib | DOI | arXiv | Abstract ]
[ELH15] Tom Everitt, Jan Leike, and Marcus Hutter. Sequential extensions of causal and evidential decision theory. In Toby Walsh, editor, Algorithmic Decision Theory: 4th International Conference, ADT 2015, Lexington, KY, USA, September 27-30, 2015, Proceedings, pages 205--221, Cham, 2015. Springer International Publishing. Source code.
bib | DOI | arXiv | Abstract ]
[EH15a] Tom Everitt and Marcus Hutter. Analytical results on the BFS vs. DFS algorithm selection problem. Part I: Tree search. In Bernhard Pfahringer and Jochen Renz, editors, AI 2015: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 28th Australasian Joint Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, November 30 -- December 4, 2015, Proceedings, pages 157--165, Cham, 2015. Springer International Publishing. Source code.
bib | DOI | Abstract ]
[EH15b] Tom Everitt and Marcus Hutter. Analytical results on the BFS vs. DFS algorithm selection problem. Part II: Graph search. In Bernhard Pfahringer and Jochen Renz, editors, AI 2015: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 28th Australasian Joint Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, November 30 -- December 4, 2015, Proceedings, pages 166--178, Cham, 2015. Springer International Publishing. Source code.
bib | DOI | Abstract ]
[EH15c] Tom Everitt and Marcus Hutter. A topological approach to meta-heuristics: Analytical results on the BFS vs. DFS algorithm selection problem. Technical report, Australian National University, 2015.
bib | arXiv | Abstract ]
[ELH14] T. Everitt, T. Lattimore, and M. Hutter. Free lunch for optimisation under the universal distribution. In 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pages 167--174, July 2014.
bib | DOI | arXiv | Abstract ]
[AEH14] T. Alpcan, T. Everitt, and M. Hutter. Can we measure the difficulty of an optimization problem? In Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2014 IEEE, pages 356--360, Nov 2014.
bib | DOI | .pdf | Abstract ]
[Eve13] Tom Everitt. Universal induction and optimisation: No free lunch? MSc thesis, Stockholm University, 2013.
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[Eve10] Tom Everitt. Automated Theorem Proving. BSc thesis, Stockholm University, 2010.
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